Europska kulturna ruta bajki (European Fairy Tale Route - EFTR), koju je osmislila i stvorila fondacija Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi, posvećena je europskim bajkama, mitovima, folkloru i usmenoj predaji, i uglavnom se obraća djeci. Rutom upravlja internacionalna neprofitna organizacija European Fairy Tale Route Association smještena u Collodiju u Italiji, i tvori mrežu udruga u kulturi, fondacija i istraživačkih centara koji se bave bajkama, njihovim autorima i likovima, a koje su dio europskog književnog i kulturnog nasljeđa. Zahvaljujući bogatoj i raznolikoj tradiciji bajki, EFTR je posvećena obrazovanju djece i prijenosu fundamentalnih vrijednosti poput slobode, solidarnosti, pravde i jednakosti, navedenih u Europskoj konvenciji o ljudskim pravima i slobodi Vijeća Europe, i svih vrijednosti kao što su poštivanje ljudi, rodne jednakosti, prirode, okoliša i životinja. EFTR je put na koji djeca i odrasli mogu biti ispraćeni iz vlastitih kultura u širu europsku perspektivu i identitet. Cilj EFTR-a je jačati ekonomski i društveni razvoj područja uključenih u rutu. Professor Baltazar u svojim bezvremenskim avanturama zagovara sve vrijednosti rute. Kroz provedbu Znanstvenog piknika 23. i 24. rujna 2022. u Gornjoj Stubici u perivoju Muzeja seljačkih buna, Udruga Profesor Baltazar je predstavila ovu novu rutu javnosti (http://znanstvenipiknik.weebly.com/, https://www.facebook.com/ZnanstveniPiknik).
The European Fairy Tale Route (EFTR), conceived and proposed by the National Carlo Collodi Foundation, is dedicated to European fairy tales, myths, folklore, and oral narratives, and is mainly addressed to children. The Route, managed by the international Non Profit European Fairy Tale Route Association, located in Collodi (Italy), puts together a network of cultural associations, foundations and research centers focused on fairy tales, their authors and characters, who are now part of European literature and cultural heritage. Thanks to the rich and diversified tradition of fairy tales, the EFTR is devoted to children education and the transmission of fundamental values such as freedom, solidarity, justice and equity – as expressed in the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of the Council of Europe – with all connected values such as respect for people, gender equality, nature, environment and animals. The EFTR is a road on which children and adults can be accompanied from their specific culture to a broader, European perspective and identity. The EFTR aims to strengthen the economic and social development of the areas along the itinerary. Professor Balthazar in his timeless adventures advocates all the route’s values. The Association Professor Balthazar introduced the new route to the public with the Science Picnic event held on 23rd and 24th September 2022 in Gornja Stubica in the arboretum of the Museum of Peasant’s Revolt(http://znanstvenipiknik.weebly.com/, https://www.facebook.com/ZnanstveniPiknik).